Dedicated to Understanding Beliefs and Sales Strategies of Elite Salespeople
Sometimes looking for a new ideal client is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Imagine how hard it would be to find a needle in a haystack if you had no idea what a needle looked like. It would be an impossible task. Yet that is what the average salesperson does every day when they fail to have a clear idea of what their ideal prospect looks like. To make prospecting easier you need to describe who your ideal or target prospect is. It is not everyone who is in the market to buy what you are selling. Do you need to talk to the CEO or the Marketing manager? Are $50,000,000 companies or $5,000,000 companies in your sweet spot? What are the problems you are most likely to be successful at solving? Is there a particular geography that you are targeting? It is important to identify the target both for yourself and so that you can easily describe the target client to referral sources. This will make your referral sources more effective at finding you the right people to refer you to....
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